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Japanese Wagtail (Wild Bird)
Japanese wagtail (wild bird) in the Isuzu River
Black-backed wagtail (wild bird)
Japanese wagtail (wild bird) in the Isuzu River
Young bird of Japanese Wagtail 1
Black-backed Wagtail
Japanese wagtail stretching
Japanese Wagtail (Wild Bird)
Japanese wagtail
Japanese wagtail (wild bird) in the Isuzu River
Japanese Wagtail taking a walk on the ice
Japanese wagtail
Japanese wagtail
Seguro Sekirei
Seguro Sekirei
Seguro Sekirei Kyoto found in shallow water
Kingfisher perched on a branch Kyoto
Wagtail walking on the stairs
Wagtail walking on the stairs
Waterside bird Japanese wagtail
Seguro Sekirei
Seguro Sekirei 2
Japanese Wagtail taking a walk on the ice
Grey Wagtail
Japanese wagtail
Background material Wagtail
Black-backed Wagtail on the snow
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